SENDERO Tax & Legal is an organisation that consists of Sendero sp. z o.o. and Sendero Kania, Lubaszka, Michalski i Wspólnicy sp.k. Both entities have registered offices in Wrocław (postcode 54-424), at 6 Muchoborska Street. Each of the entities is liable solely for its own obligations.
- Sendero sp. z o.o. is a tax consultancy, NIP: 8971725106, KRS: 276652 (District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna), share capital: PLN 75,150.00
- Sendero Kania, Lubaszka, Michalski i Wspólnicy sp.k. is a firm of legal counsel, NIP: 5252608666; KRS 542034 (District Court for the capital city of Warsaw).