PANEL I – National Labour Inspectorate
The discussions on the first panel will focus on selected topics relating to the activities of the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP). You can hear about how the PIP inspection rules have changed. We will also take a closer look together at what is scrutinised by PIP inspectors in the area of occupational health and safety.
PANEL II – GDPR and monitoring
One year after the entry into force of the EU regulation, a legislative package was adopted in Poland to harmonise Polish legislation with the GDPR. We will present these changes from the perspective of HR departments. The other main topic to be discussed at our conference is the use of monitoring at workplaces.
To see event details go to >>> GDPR/PIP CONFERENCE.
You are invited to join us on 24 October in the Neopark Business Center at 10 Cybernetyki Street in Warsaw.
Please send your RSVP by 4 October to
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