Sendero Tax & Legal and the Wałbrzyska Special Economic Zone INVEST-PARK have partnered to launch a series of admission-free events relating to occupational safety and health. Sendero professionals will discuss selected aspects of this important dimension of any business.

The periodic meetings are scheduled to continue until June 2023.


Key benefits for the participants

  • practical guidance from professionals with hands-on legal experience;
  • knowledge of specific legal OSH requirements for the business;
  • know-how on the design of simple firm-wide employee safety communications;
  • getting to know how to challenge decisions or findings of State Labour Inspectorate;
  • realization that an occupational medicine practitioner is not omniscient.


Who may be interested?

  • OSH officers,
  • HR managers,
  • plant managers,
  • directors of manufacturing or service companies,
  • HR and OSH personnel,
  • agents representing companies during OSH inspections,
  • managers of various business units.


We will send an email notification of each event in the series. You are encouraged to subscribe for our newsletter.